The surf (Simulating Urban Flows) is funded by the ESRC Future Research Leaders scheme. It’s full title is: ‘Understanding Urban Movements through Big Data and Social Simulation’. It officially started on 1st May 2015.

The principal investigator is Nick Malleson a lecturer at the School of Geography, University of Leeds. Contact details are available on his university homepage.

The main aim of the project is to see how we can use new forms of data that tell us about where groups of people are at different times of day. The project will then use this knowledge to look at:

  1. where (and when) high-crime areas are (i.e. those areas with few people around, but lots of crimes);

  2. where (and when) the impact of polluted air has the most damaging affects (i.e. times/places with high pollution and lots of people exposed to it).

For the latest news, see the blog.

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