Simulating Urban Flows to Estimate the Disease Burden of Air Pollution

Nick Malleson

School of Geography, University of Leeds

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An understanding of how people move around cities is vital for building up reliable estimates of the population at risk for phenomena that vary in space and time. For example, to reliably assess the disease burden of air pollution on a population it is important to understand when and where the activities of individuals intersect with pollution hotspots. However, modelling dynamic populations is extremely difficult as most well-established data sources contain sparse information about non-residential activities. Fortunately, emerging data sources such as those arising through the use of social media or loyalty cards hold the promise of providing more reliable information about non-residential daily activities. The challenge, therefore, is to create a high-resolution model of urban flows that is able to take advantage of good quality residential and non-residential data sources.

This research proposes an original approach: to use agent-based modelling as the tool to bring together disparate data sources and create an accurate, high-resolution model of individual-level daily urban flows. The model will draw on advances from disciplines such as meteorology to dynamically calibrate the agent-based model as new data streams become available. Ultimately the results of the simulation will be married to estimates of pollutant concentrations to estimate the disease burden of some pollutants. Preliminary results illustrate that the model holds promise as a reliable tool for modelling the ambient urban population.


Context: The Ambient Population

Crime victimisation

Disease burden of pollution

Quantifying the ambient population

A new approach to merging urban flow data: Agent-Based Modelling?

Conclusions and outlook

Quantifying the Ambient population

Surprisingly poor data to quantify mobile populations

But understanding mobile populations is vital


Daily flows of people radically alter urban characteristics

Substantial impact on crime rates (Andresen and Jenion, 2010; Felson and Boivin, 2015; Stults and Hasbrouck, 2015).


Large variations over small scales (Britter and Hanna, 2003)

Human exposure also dependent on mobility

We need better models of the ambient population!

The 'Age of Big Data'

Image of big data globe (from Science Daily).

Explosion in data volume.

'Datafication' of hitherto private thoughts/actions.

Proliferation of GPS-enabled devices

Opportunity to better understand urban flows

The Ambient Population

Crime Victims

What is the most appropriate denominator for crime rate calculations?

Residential population is the most common

But not always appropriate

Difficult to quantify hotspot severity without good population at risk estimates

Malleson, N. and M. Andresen (2015) The impact of using social media data in crime rate calculations: shifting hot spots and changing spatial patterns. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42(2)
Hotspot disappearing from the city centre
Malleson, N. and M. Andresen (2015) The impact of using social media data in crime rate calculations: shifting hot spots and changing spatial patterns. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42(2)
Hotspot disappearing from the city centre
Malleson, N. and M. A. Andresen (2015a) Spatio-temporal crime hotspots and the ambient population. Crime Science 4(10).
Hotspot shifting from the city centre in the evening
Malleson, N., and M. A. Andresen (2016) Exploring the impact of ambient population measures on London crime hotspots. Journal of Criminal Justice 46: 52-63
Different data sources used to measure the 'ambient' population - mobile phones, twitter, the census, pop247.
Polluted city

Source: dreamingyakker (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

The Ambient Population

Impacts of Pollution

Largest cause of preventable deaths (WHO)

Improved models of pollution generation and dispersal

Including individual polluters (Nyhan et al., 2016)

But still relatively weak estimates of the population-at-risk

Individual Exposure

Related Work - Modelling dynamic /individual exposure

Travel diaries (& GPS tracking)

Calculate personal exposure (Yoo et al., 2015)

Travel surveys

Coupled activity model and dispersion model (Beckx et al., 2009, Dhondt et al, 2012, Setton et al., 2011)

Bulk mobile phone activity

. . .

Individual Exposure

Related Work - Modelling dynamic /individual exposure

Improved pollution models

Nyhan et al. (2016): large taxi data set to estimate street segment pollution (highly detailed: factored in acceleration!)

Consistent finding: Residential models underestimate exposure

Opportunity to use simulation to:

Combine data sources

Scale-up smaller surveys

Urban Flow Data

The ambient population is important

But how to quantify it?

And how to better understand urban flows?

Urban Flow Data

Social Media

Example activity spaces derived from twitter messages
Malleson, N and M. Birkin. (2014) New Insights into Individual Activity Spaces using Crowd-Sourced Big Data. Paper presented at the 2014 BigData conference, Stanford, CA, USA, 27-31 May. [paper (pdf)][slides (html)].
Evaluating aggregate mobile phone population accuracy
Comparing census daytime populations to aggregate mobile phone estimates

Urban Flow Data

Mobile Communications

Large population coverage

Comparing census daytime populations to aggregate mobile phone estimates

Private, unknown methodology, privacy concerns, coarse resolution (?)

Traces of movement from a smart-phone app

Urban Flow Data


Smart-phone apps that capture movement / location are becoming ubiquitous

Great potential for understanding (some) urban dynamics

Urban Flow Data



Prolific users distort patterns


Online & public ≠ offline & private

Spatial accuracy


Participation inequality and the digital divide


Messy, and "too big for Excel"



Potential for large sub-samples


Streaming / regularly updated

Potential for dynamic models

Need to consolidate diverse sources

Solution: Agent-Based Modelling ?

Agent-Based Modelling (ABM)

Autonomous, interacting 'agents'

Model phenomena from the 'bottom-up'


Modelling complexity, non-linearity, emergence

Natural description of a system

Bridge between verbal theories and mathematical models

History of the evolution of the system


Big Data, ABM, Smart Cities, Ambient Populations

A city-wide dynamic ABM, constantly re-calibrated to streaming data

New insights into urban mobility patterns and footfall estimates.

Simulating Urban Flows (surf) prototype

Source: Improbable Spatial OS

Dynamic Data Assimilation


Used in meteorology and hydrology to constrain models closer to reality.

We can:

Restart model with new (up to date) data

Adjust model parameters to better match reality


Particle filters

Kalman Filter

Ensemble Kalman Filter

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC)

... others ...

Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)


Ward, J., A. Evans, N. Malleson (2016) Dynamic calibration of agent-based models using data assimilation. Royal Society Open Science. 3:150703. (open access). [DOI: 10.1098/rsos.150703]

Conclusion and Outlook

Ongoing advances in pollution modelling

Models of the population need to keep pace

Opportunities with 'big' data

(Agent-Based) simulation as a means of:

Combining disparate data

Scale up small surveys


Andresen, M. A., and Jenion, G. W. (2010). Ambient populations and the calculation of crime rates and risk. Security Journal, 23, 114–133.

Beckx, C., L. Int Panis, T. Arentze, D. Janssens, R. Torfs, S. Broekx, and G. Wets (2009). A dynamic activity-based population modelling approach to evaluate exposure to air pollution: Methods and appli- cation to a Dutch urban area. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 29(3), 179–185.

Felson, M., and Newton, A. (2015). Crime patterns in time and space: The dynamics of crime opportunities in Urban areas. Special issue. Crime Science, 4.

Nyhan, M., Sobolevsky, S., Kang, C., Robinson, P., Corti, A., Szell, M., Streets, D., Lu, Z., Britter, R., Barrett, S.R.H., Ratti, C., (2016). Predicting vehicular emissions in high spatial resolution using pervasively measured transportation data and microscopic emissions model. Atmospheric Environment -. doi:

Setton, E., J. D. Marshall, M. Brauer, K. R. Lundquist, P. Hystad, P. Keller, and D. Cloutier-Fisher (2011). The impact of daily mobility on exposure to tra ic-related air pollution and health e ect estimates. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 21(1), 42–48.

Stults, B. J., and Hasbrouck, M. (2015). The effect of commuting on city-level crime rates. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31, 331–350.

Ward, J., A. Evans, N. Malleson (2016) Dynamic calibration of agent-based models using data assimilation. Royal Society Open Science. 3:150703. (open access)

Yoo, E.-H., Rudra, C., Glasgow, M., Mu, L., 2015. Geospatial Estimation of Individual Exposure to Air Pollutants: Moving From Static Monitoring to Activity-Based Dynamic Exposure Assessment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers.


Simulating Urban Flows to Estimate the Disease Burden of Air Pollution

Nick Malleson

School of Geography, University of Leeds

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